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Her Campus

Her Campus: Quote


April is international Sexual Assault Awareness Month and its purpose is to raise public awareness about sexual assault and educate communities and individuals on how to prevent sexual violence.



As a Muslim student studying in the United States, it can sometimes be hard and a little lonely to practice and engage in my Islamic faith tradition in the current American political and social context. There are many misconceptions and prejudices against my faith and sometimes it's quite hard navigating it all, especially on a Catholic campus.

Droplets on the Window


We all have those days when we would rather roll up in a ball, stay in bed and avoid all interactions with the outside world. This day, for me, was last week Tuesday. I missed home, had two exams coming up, three papers due, and to top it all off I finished watching all six seasons of Gossip Girl.



People often ask me what I miss most from home and my answer is always the same: the food. It's almost guaranteed that 30% of my luggage contains food from home (mostly because the other 70% is not allowed).

Image by Sacha Verheij


When I was accepted to study in the United States, along with my feelings of excitement and adventure were overwhelming anxiety and uncertainty. I mentally prepared myself for missing my native, Cape Town South Africa.

Her Campus: Features
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